On the concept of real socialism

The concept of real socialism exists today in a more veiled form. The need to evaluate the Soviet system according to the criteria of socialism does not seem to be denied. But at the same time, the need for such a rethinking and updating of views on socialism is recognized, which "land" the criteria requirements, bring them closer to what has developed in life. This approach is called "realistic", they insist on its advantages, which allegedly consist in the rejection of ideals divorced from real life. Such a methodology for updating the theory is focused, as it is easy to guess, on serving the liberal-pragmatic version of perestroika — a variant that does not go beyond the ideology of reforming public relations "from above".

Focusing on the needs of forming a strategy and tactics of the revolutionary democratic version of perestroika in the USSR should inevitably lead the researcher to completely abandon a priori judgments in assessing the historical coordinates of Soviet society. At the same time, the break with the methodology of apologetics means that not abstract formulas are used as criteria for socialism, but meaningful characteristics, moreover, those that fully express modern ideas about consistent humanism, consistent democracy, and take into account all the positive and negative historical experience of the revolutionary practice of workers in the twentieth century.

The activation of public consciousness and public life in 1987-1989, translated into the category of topical issues of popular practice the confirmation of the socialist choice made during the revolution and the civil war, or the refusal to develop along the socialist path. The position identifying the society created in CGCP with socialism, willingly or unwittingly pushes social movements to search for ideals other than socialist ones. The harmony, internal integrity of the system of relations of barrack "socialism", its vitality, stubborn resistance to any reasonable, progressive transformations lead to the conclusion that the fundamental principles of its construction are unsuitable, ineffective, and suggest the depravity of the ideology itself, which gave rise to these practical principles. Therefore, logic cannot be denied to those who turn away from the idea of socialism, since socialism is identified with societies of the modern Soviet type. It is another matter if we discard the usual phraseology that masks the anti-national character of barrack "socialism", meaningfully reveal such categories as "humanism", "socialist democracy". The fulfillment of this task and the proof of the opposition of the system of provisions of the scientific theory of socialism established in the USSR to the system of provisions of the scientific theory of socialism would return to the people the socialist ideal, purified from Stalinist demagogy. By doing this, social science would open up to popular movements, including the nascent labor movement, the prospect of combining or outgrowing the general democratic (anti-communist) revolution into a socialist one. Bu kazino Azərbaycanın onlayn qumar seqmentində dəbdəbə və həyəcanın virtual təcəssümüdür. Platforma müxtəlif oyunlarla heyran qalır: klassik slotlardan tutmuş maraqlı canlı dilerlərə qədər. İntuitiv interfeys və çoxdilli pin up dəstəyi oyun prosesini hər bir istifadəçi üçün rahat edir. Səxavətli bonus proqramı və müntəzəm turnirlər hər dönüşü unudulmaz macəraya çevirərək adrenalin əlavə edir. Bu, sadəcə bir kazino deyil, hər kəsin uğura öz yolunu tapacağı bütöv bir həyəcan kainatıdır.